CPTED teamwork

To join this CPTED training please click the TITLE  above then login /register on the site and you will be then taken to the payment page.

This certified CPTED training of 3 hours online weekly study over 6 weeks can be studied from 1 July 2023 at times that suit each participant.  It includes: weekly study material of online videos and exercises, plus an optional weekly 45 min online Q&A session with CPTED expert to answer any questions you have, a forum and email support, and on completion of the training an individual CPTED Certificate of Training. The training covers: new 10 CPTED principles, basic CPTED audits, crime risk assessments, the new international CPTED standard, ISO 22341:2021. Aligns with ICA Unit Competencies. 

New material and updates in this CPTED training:

  • New findings about LIGHTING for crime prevention
  • New information on using GREEN SPACES to reduce crime
  • Choosing best SOCIAL CPTED methods of crime prevention
  • Updated section on calculating RETURN ON INVESTMENT of CPTED
  • New section on 'Working in Multidisciplinary Teams'
  • CPTED project now in small groups

$654.50 inc GST (Payment by credit card  via PayPal or Stripe - or via purchase order and invoice)

Registration and login required before payment can be made.
Organisations registering staff by purchase order or paying by bank transfer please go to https://designoutcrime.org.

One-day CPTED training for Community Safety and other staff on premises at the City of Bayswater, Western Australia delivered on both 17 and 18 June 2024.

This CPTED training focus is local government staff's practical use of CPTED in line with international standard ISO 22341: 2021 and including:

  • Current ten CPTED physical and social principles and strategies
  • Crime risk assessment,
  • Routine activity theory
  • Repeat victimisation
  • New evidence in crime prevention
  • Fear of crime
  • Anti-social behaviour management
  • Lighting
  • CCTV

CPTED teamwork

To join this CPTED training please click the TITLE  above then login /register and you will be taken to the payment page.

This certified CPTED training of 3 hours online weekly study over 6 weeks can be studied from 26 February 2023 at times that suit each participant.  It includes: weekly study material of online videos and exercises, plus an optional weekly 45 min online Q&A session with CPTED expert to answer any questions you have, a forum and email support, and on completion of the training an individual CPTED Certificate of Training. The training covers: new 10 CPTED principles, basic CPTED audits, crime risk assessments, the new international CPTED standard, ISO 22341:2021. Aligns with ICA Unit Competencies. 

New material and updates in this CPTED training:

  • New findings about LIGHTING for crime prevention
  • New information on using GREEN SPACES to reduce crime
  • Choosing best SOCIAL CPTED methods of crime prevention
  • Updated section on calculating RETURN ON INVESTMENT of CPTED
  • Working in Multidisciplinary Teams
$654.50 inc GST (Payment by credit card  or PayPal)

Registration and login required before payment can be made.
Organisations registering staff by purchase order or paying by bank transfer please register HERE.


 The Introduction to CPTED course is a certificated foundation CPTED course for community safety staff, rangers, new security staff, small business managers, and planning and architecture professionals.
The course provides a practical grounding in CPTED principles to reduce crime. There are 10 lessons each with a CPTED activity with multi-choice question assessment.
A personalized and recorded certificate is awarded for completion of the Introduction to CPTED course with an average mark of 70% or more.
Expected time to complete this course is 4 hours.
$49.95 inc. GST (payment by credit card or PayPal).

Team working at whiteboard

ISO 22341 international CPTED standard requires Return on Investment of (ROI) of CPTED intervention to be positive.

That is, all CPTED interventions  must be guaranteed to provide greater benefits than their costs. This means ROI of CPTED interventions must be calculated in relation to the CPTED situation being addressed and involves:

  • Targeting CPTED and identifying priority crime types to be addressed
  • Identifying the amount of annual crime risk for those crime types
  • Identifying the annual cost of those crime risks
  • Identifying the annual cost of the CPTED intervention
  • Calculating the Return on Investment of the CPTED intervention to ensure that it is positive.
This ROI of CPTED course is intended for certified CPTED professionals and practitioners, police, local government staff, planners, architects and security professionals and anyone interested in best practice in crime prevention and CPTED.

The course is designed as a general purpose course for implementing ISO 22341 and as an additional program support course  for our certified 5-day and 2-day CPTED training programs from the Design Out Crime and CPTED Centre.

This draft of this online training course is currently made freely available through www.cybercpted.org. Registration is required. Feedback is welcomed.  course .